Saturday, September 4, 2010

Memo to self, "check your FALL colors"

Ladies we got this! 

Fall is about warmth, coziness, comfort and practicality.  This one will make you happy because we probably already have these colors in our closet.  Hello....can you say money saver.  Which is great because you can  go get those trendy jewelry pieces we last talked about.

The Six Colors that will follow us strongly through the season are:
  1. Camel - this will do wonderfully in a trench coat, jacket or blazer.
  2. Rich Purple - remember our jewelry convo?  work this into your skirts, blouses, cardigans and casual tops.
  3. Modern Metallics - okay ladies work with me here.  I love metallic especially metallic shoes.  Metallic is my kryptonite.  Anyhoo before I get off the subject please use your metallic sparingly.  Lets say shoes, belts, floor length dresses and if you are brave A blazer!
  4. Mixed Olives (ie. browns, camo green, olive green) - this one makes me duper excited.  Picture your fuchsia or deep purple tones with this color.  This can make way into your pants, skirts, tops and jackets.  I can picture it now...riding boots!
  5. Pale Blue - can I hear an awe....This color is superb and works well with light and dark skin.  Not so well for us olive skin gals.  Which makes me say...Boooo!  Cause I love this color.  Keep this color on top.  Except with skirts you can pull this color off in a skirt.  I see it in a flowy dress that screams serenity as your walk by.
  6. Bright Red - this is color trend that repeats itself every year.  Red states power and confidence.  I WANT a red blazer...stat!
These colors work well for all my plus size beauties even for those who choose to draw zippo attention to themselves.   If you have any of these colors in your wardrobe bring them with you next time you shop at Ladies Plus Size Resale and lets get to matchin!

Next time on Fall Trends - Foot wear.  Geepers I am drooling.  I can't wait.....

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